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Advacort Cream 5g

Product Name : Advacort Cream 5g Product Form : Cream Pack Size : 5g Ingredients : Methylprednisolone Aceponate

Advacort Oint 5g

Product Name : Advacort Oint 5gm Product Form : Ointment Pack Size : 5g Ingredients : Methylprednisolone Aceponate

Advance Adult CPR Training Manikin (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Adult CPR Training Manikin (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • 1. Simulation standard open airway, sound prompting.
  • 2. External breast compression:
    • indicator light display, digital counter display; sound prompting of wrong compression.
    • (1) Indicator light display of correct and wrong compression; digital counter display; sound prompting of wrong compression.
    • (2) Intensity correct (4-5cm) and wrong (<4cm or >5cm) compression: digital strip indicator light (yellow,green,red) shows compression depth; digital counter display: sound prompting of wrong compression intensity.
  • 3. Artificial respiration indicator light display (Inhalation), digital display device and sound prompting device:
    • (1) Inhalation < 500-1000ml or > 1000ml, digital indicator light respectively shows the quantity of inhalation volume; digital counter display of correct or wrong operations, and sound prompting of wrong operation
    • (2) Inhalation too quickly or too much result in air entering into stomach: digital indicator light display; digital counter display; sound prompting.
  • 4. Ratio of compression and artificial respiratory: 30.2 (one or two person)
  • 5. Operating cycle: one cycle includes five times of 30:2 ratio of compression and artificial respiratory.
  • 6. Operation frequency: 100 times per minute ( the latest international standard)
  • 7. Operation methods: exercise operation
  • 8. Examination of pupil response: mydriasis and myosis
  • 9. Examination of carotid response
  • 10. Working conditions: output power is 6V transformed from 220V external power through manostat or direct current of four No. 1 batteries, suitable for outdoor operation.

Advance Anatomical Model OF Child Heart (Soft) 1s

Product Name  : Advance Anatomical Model OF Child Heart (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • The model shows the coronal section of atrium and ventricle.
  • 25 Positions are displayed.
  • Size: Two times of Life Size. (14cm x 9cm x 7.5cm)
  • Material: Advanced PVC and Paint
  • G.W.: 1KG

Advance Anatomical Model OF Human Heart (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Anatomical Model OF Human Heart (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • The model shows aortic arch, coronal section of atrium and ventricle.
  • 48 Positions are displayed.
  • Size: 22.5cm x 22cm x 22.5cm
  • Material: Advanced PVC and Paint
  • G.W.:2.5KG

Advance Blood Pressure Training ARM (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Blood Pressure Training ARM (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • The model is suitable for medical college, nursing academy, health school & clinic workers to teach & exercise blood pressure skills.
  • This product can be used as stand-alone, or cooperated with other products.
  • Size: 77.5cm x 20.5cm x 26.5cm
  • G.W.: 7.2kg

Advance Buttocks Intramuscular Injection Simulator (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Buttocks Intramuscular Injection Simulator (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • The model can be worn on.
  • Alarming sounds indicate weather the injection is correct,
  • Size: 45cm x 19cm x 37cm
  • G.W.: 4kg

Advance Cap 20mg 1x10s

Product Name : Advance Cap 20mg 1x10's

Ingredients : Fluoxetine Hcl

Pack Size : 1x10's


Advance Child CPR Training Manikin (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Child CPR Training Manikin (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • Simulation of child airway;
  • Compression display device and warning device;
  • a. Correct compression position display, wrong compression position display and warning prompting.
  • b. Correct compression intensity display, wrong compression intensity display and warning prompting.
  • 3. Mouth-to-mouth breath indicator light display unit and warning device:
  • a. Inhalation < 150ml or inhalation > 200ml, wrong indicator light display and warning prompting. 
  • b. 150ml < inhalation < 200ml, correct indicator light display. 
  • c. Inhalation over quickly and over much so as to enter into stomach, wrong indicator light display and warning prompting. 
  • 4. Operation frequency: 100 times per minute, 120 times per minute (the latest international standard)
  • 5. Examine brachial artery response;
  • 6. Working conditions:
  • a. Power supply 220V passes through manostat, output 6V power.
  • b. 4 pieces of No. 1 batteries, direct current.

Advance Childbirth Comprehensive Skill Training Simulator (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Childbirth Comprehensive Skill Training Simulator (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • This most advance model of Child Birth Skills Training Model has been designed by our highly trained Medical Professionals which gives perfect SOFT feel like real Human Body.
  • This model gives perfect chance for students in all major Medical & Nursing School, Colleges, Universities, Institutions & Hospital to learn, understand and practice precisely.
  • This model consists of pelvic cavity, fetus (with umbilical cord and placenta), cervix check model (cervix change of antepartum) perineum cutting and suturing training simulator and etc.
  • With life-like shape and perfectg life-like feel cervix check and child Birth procedure can be operated.
  • Trainees can simulate Child Birth procedure, assist delivery, perineum protecting and episiotomy.

Advance Childbirth Simulator (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Childbirth Simulator (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • Demonstrate the fetus, umbilical cord and placenta of vacuum-assisted delivery, flexible fetal joint, and multiple normal and abnormal positions of fetal delivery can be showed.
  • Equiped with manual delivery mechanical parts, with the help of hands, the whole delivery process, including engagement, descending,flexion, internal rotation, extension, restoration, external rotation and fetal delivery, can be showed;
  • Can practise and master the comprehensive skills of normal labor, abnormal labor (dystocia), midwifery and perineum protection;

Advance Delivery , Maternal & Neonatal Emergancy Simulator (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Delivery , Maternal & Neonatal Emergancy Simulator (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's


Advance Ear Diagnostic Simulator (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Ear Diagnostic Simulator (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's


Advance Ear Inspection Simulator (Soft) 1s

Product Form : Advance Ear Inspection Simulator (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's


Advance Female Catheter Model (Soft) 1s

Product Name : Advance Female Catheter Model (Soft) 1's

Product Form : Medical Equipment

Pack Size : 1's

Description : 

  • Female internal genitalia and external genitalia.
  • The students can directly observe catheterization process.
  • Size: 17cm x 16cm x 18cm
  • G.W.::0.4KG