The prices of all products may not be updated on daily basis, so conditions will apply on that types of products.
Carbon Tetrac 1Ch Drops 30ml
Product Name: Carbon Tetrac 1Ch Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
Carbon Tetrac 1Ch Drops 450ml
Product Name: Carbon Tetrac 1Ch Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
Carbon Tetrac 1Ch Drops 500ml
Product Name: Carbon Tetrac 1Ch Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 715ml
Cardiospermum Drops 120ml
Product Name: Cardiospermum Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
Cardiospermum Drops 30ml
Product Name: Cardiospermum Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
Cardiospermum Drops 450ml
Product Name: Cardiospermum Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
Cardiospermum Drops 500ml
Product Name: Cardiospermum Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
Carduus Mari Drops 120ml
Product Name: Carduus Mari Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
The action of this drug is centered in the liver and portal system, causing soreness, pain and jaundice. Gas specially relation to the vascular system. Disturb sugar metabolism. Influenza when liver is affected. Debility Hemorrhages, epically connected Hemorrhagic piles.Prolapse of rectum, burning pain in anus and rectum,hard and knotting,clayey stool profuse diarrhea due to rectal cancer.
Carduus mar Q 5 drops thrice daily.In an emergency case every hour or oftener.Carduus Mari Drops 30ml
Product Name: Carduus Mari Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
The action of this drug is centered in the liver and portal system, causing soreness, pain and jaundice. Gas specially relation to the vascular system. Disturb sugar metabolism. Influenza when liver is affected. Debility Hemorrhages, epically connected Hemorrhagic piles.Prolapse of rectum, burning pain in anus and rectum,hard and knotting,clayey stool profuse diarrhea due to rectal cancer.
Carduus mar Q 5 drops thrice daily.In an emergency case every hour or oftener.Carduus Mari Drops 450ml
Product Name: Carduus Mari Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
The action of this drug is centered in the liver and portal system, causing soreness, pain and jaundice. Gas specially relation to the vascular system. Disturb sugar metabolism. Influenza when liver is affected. Debility Hemorrhages, epically connected Hemorrhagic piles.Prolapse of rectum, burning pain in anus and rectum,hard and knotting,clayey stool profuse diarrhea due to rectal cancer.
Carduus mar Q 5 drops thrice daily.In an emergency case every hour or oftener.Carduus Mari Drops 500ml
Product Name: Carduus Mari Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
The action of this drug is centered in the liver and portal system, causing soreness, pain and jaundice. Gas specially relation to the vascular system. Disturb sugar metabolism. Influenza when liver is affected. Debility Hemorrhages, epically connected Hemorrhagic piles.Prolapse of rectum, burning pain in anus and rectum,hard and knotting,clayey stool profuse diarrhea due to rectal cancer.
Carduus mar Q 5 drops thrice daily.In an emergency case every hour or oftener.Carica Papaya Drops 120ml
Product Name: Carica Papaya Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
It is very useful indigestion enlarged liver and spleen pain in them after taking ,ilk in least quantity, yellowness of the conjunctiva; tongue coated white. |
Carica pap 1x trituration 3 grains one hour before. |
Carica Papaya Drops 30ml
Product Name: Carica Papaya Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
It is very useful indigestion enlarged liver and spleen pain in them after taking ,ilk in least quantity, yellowness of the conjunctiva; tongue coated white. |
Carica pap 1x trituration 3 grains one hour before. |
Carica Papaya Drops 450ml
Product Name: Carica Papaya Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
It is very useful indigestion enlarged liver and spleen pain in them after taking ,ilk in least quantity, yellowness of the conjunctiva; tongue coated white. |
Carica pap 1x trituration 3 grains one hour before. |
Carica Papaya Drops 500ml
Product Name: Carica Papaya Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
It is very useful indigestion enlarged liver and spleen pain in them after taking ,ilk in least quantity, yellowness of the conjunctiva; tongue coated white. |
Carica pap 1x trituration 3 grains one hour before. |