The prices of all products may not be updated on daily basis, so conditions will apply on that types of products.
Convolvulus Bul Drops 30ml
Convolvulus Bul Drops 450ml
Convolvulus Bul Drops 500ml
Copaiva Off Drops 120ml
Copaiva Off Drops 30ml
Copaiva Off Drops 450ml
Copaiva Off Drops 500ml
Cornus Mac Drops 120ml
Cornus Mac Drops 30ml
Cornus Mac Drops 450ml
Cornus Mac Drops 500ml
Corydalis Drops 120ml
Product Name: Corydalis Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
Syphilitic affections ulcers of mouth and fauces. cancer cachexia pronounced. Gummata and night pains.Chronic diseases with atony. Tongue clean broad and full Tissue flabby,doughy cold.Gastric catarrh.
Tincture twenty drops three times a day.
Corydalis Drops 30ml
Product Name: Corydalis Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
Syphilitic affections ulcers of mouth and fauces. cancer cachexia pronounced. Gummata and night pains.Chronic diseases with atony. Tongue clean broad and full Tissue flabby,doughy cold.Gastric catarrh.
Tincture twenty drops three times a day.
Corydalis Drops 450ml
Product Name: Corydalis Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
Syphilitic affections ulcers of mouth and fauces. cancer cachexia pronounced. Gummata and night pains.Chronic diseases with atony. Tongue clean broad and full Tissue flabby,doughy cold.Gastric catarrh.
Tincture twenty drops three times a day.
Corydalis Drops 500ml
Product Name: Corydalis Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
Syphilitic affections ulcers of mouth and fauces. cancer cachexia pronounced. Gummata and night pains.Chronic diseases with atony. Tongue clean broad and full Tissue flabby,doughy cold.Gastric catarrh.
Tincture twenty drops three times a day.