The prices of all products may not be updated on daily basis, so conditions will apply on that types of products.
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Zofran Inj 4mg 5Ampx2ml
Product Name: Zofran Inj 4mg 5Ampx2ml
Product Form : Injection
Pack Size: 5Ampx2ml
Ingredients: Ondansetron
Zofran Inj 8mg 1Ampx4ml
Product Name: Zofran Inj 8mg 1Ampx4ml
Product Form: Injection
Pack Size: 1Amp
Ingredients: Ondansetron
Zofran Inj 8mg 5Ampx4ml
Product Name: Zofran Inj 8mg 5Ampx4ml
Product Form: Injection
Pack Size: 5Ampx4ml
Ingredients: Ondansetron
Zofran Tab 8mg 10s
Product Name: Zofran Tab 8mg 10's
Product Form: Tablets
Pack Size: 10's
Ingredients: Ondansetron
Zofran Tab 8mg 1s
Product Name: Zofran Tab 8mg 1s
Product Form : Tablet
Pack Size : 1s
Ingredients: Ondansetron
Zoladex Depot Inj 3.6mg 1PFS
Product Name: Zoladex Depot Inj 3.6mg 1PFS
Product Form: Injection
Pack Size: 1PFS
Ingredients: Goserelin Acetate
Storage Condition: Store below 25°C
Zycram Inj 1gm 1Vial
Product Name: Zycram Inj 1gm 1Vial
Product Form: Injection
Pack Size: 1Vial
Ingredients: Cyclophosphamide