Showing 1831–1845 of 2170 results

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R-2 Essentia Aurin Gold Drops (Aurin) 22ml

Product Name: R-2 Essentia Aurin Gold Drops (Aurin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Local inflammations, acute and chronic, of catarrhal with swelling of the glands. Sudden infections and high fever, with irritations of conjunctivas and pharynx. Dosage: 3 - 6 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water. In acute infection with high fever, 10-15 drops in water every half hour


R-22 Drops For Nervous Disorders (Najasthen) 22ml

Product Name: R-22 Drops For Nervous Disorders (Najasthen) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Nervous disturbances, oppression and suffocation, also following flatulence. Anginous condition of the heart.. Dosage: In the morning & evening, 10 - 15 drops in a little water for a longer period of time


R-23 Eczema Drops (Nosoderm) 22ml

Product Name: R-23 Eczema Drops (Nosoderm) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Acute & Chronic Eczema, pimples, herpes, rashes eschar. Dosage : 10-15 drops in little water for a longer period.


R-24 Pleurisy Drops (Pleurasin) 22ml

Product Name: R-24 Pleurisy Drops (Pleurasin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Pleuritis, intercostal neuralgia, pleurodynia, pneumonia, intercostal rheumatism . Dosage: 4 - 6 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water before meals


R-25 Prostate Drops (Prostatan) 22ml

Product Name: R-25 Prostate Drops (Prostatan) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Acute and chronic prostatis and its consequences. Dosage: Generally 4 - 6 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water. After improvement reduces the dose to 3 times daily 10 drops for a longer period until complete recovery.


R-26 Regeneration Drops (Remisin) 22ml

Product Name: R-26 Regeneration Drops (Remisin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Stimulates the defensive mechanism of the enfeebled organism. Dosage: Once a day 10-15 drops in some water. In casse of no response, repeat it 2-3 times daily for few days


R-28 Menstrual Disorder Drops (Secalen) 22ml

Product Name: R-28 Menstrual Disorder Drops (Secalen) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Acts on the unstriped muscular fibres, conditions of exhaustion due to loss of blood. Flushes of heat followed by perspiration. Dull pains across the small of the back . Dosage: 4 - 6 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water before meals


R-29 Vertigo Drops (Theridon) 22ml

Product Name: R-29 Vertigo Drops (Theridon) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Vertigo caused by a variety of circumstances. Vertigo of Menier's disease. Cerebral vascular disturbances as a result of cerebral sclerosis, . Travel sickness. Dosage: 3 - 6 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water.


R-30 Universal Oint (Atomare-Beckeron) 22ml

Product Name: R-30 Universal Oint (Atomare-Beckeron) 22ml

Product Form: Ointment

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: An ointment for the rheumatism of muscles and joints, neuralgias and sciatica. Degenerative processes of the intervertebral discs, osteoarthritis, amputation neuralgias. Paralysis due to stroke, facial paralysis, aching of muscles, sprains. For external application only


R-31 Anaemia Drops (Contraemin) 22ml

Product Name: R-31 Anaemia Drops (Contraemin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Anaemia; lack of appetite, especially among children; often accompanied by swellings. After-effects of acute ailments. Dosage: 3 - 6 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water.


R-32 Hyperthodroasis Drops (Antihidrosin) 22ml

Product Name: R-32 Hyperthodroasis Drops (Antihidrosin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Undue perspiration. Climacteric flushing with sweat. Excessive perspiration during acute infectious diseases and fever. Dosage : 10-15 drops in some water 3-4 times a day


R-33 Epilepsy Drops (Buforan) 22ml

Product Name: R-33 Epilepsy Drops (Buforan) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Epilepsy and epileptic fits, irritation of the nerves and convulsions, convulsive cramps, cramps in the lights, epileptoid attacks, twitching muscles. Dosage: 2-3 times daily 10 - 15 drops in a little water


R-34 Recalcifying Drops (Calcossin) 22ml

Product Name: R-34 Recalcifying Drops (Calcossin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Perturbations in calcareous tissues and the growths of bones, fragility of the bones, osteomalacia, rickets, coxitis and arthritis, as well as nucleus pulposus (complementary). Dosage: Suckling & growing children 10-15 droips 1-2 times a day. For sucklings it will be best to mix with the normal milk supply in the feeding 


R-35 Teething Aches Drops (Chadontin) 22ml

Product Name: R-35 Teething Aches Drops (Chadontin) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Painful dentition, dental cramps delayed teething, Adults toothaches in certain cases. Disorders affecting the dentition. Dosage: Little children can ve given every 5-10 minutes a teaspoonful from a dilution of some 40-50 drops in half cup of water. With older children and in less acute cases, 10-15 drops in little water


R-36 Drops For The Nervous Diseases (Choresan) 22ml

Product Name: R-36 Drops For The Nervous Diseases (Choresan) 22ml

Product Form: Drops

Pack Size: 22ml

Indications: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson Disease, Polyneuritis. Dosage: 2 - 3 times daily 5-8 & 10 - 15 drops in a little water.