The prices of all products may not be updated on daily basis, so conditions will apply on that types of products.
Antimonium Crud 1DH Drops 30ml
Product Name: Antimonium Crud 1DH Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with a thickly coated white tongue,are true guiding symptoms to many forms of diseases calling for this remedy.
Third to sixth potency.Or prescribed by physicians.
Antimonium Crud 1DH Drops 450ml
Product Name: Antimonium Crud 1DH Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with a thickly coated white tongue,are true guiding symptoms to many forms of diseases calling for this remedy.
Third to sixth potency.Or prescribed by physicians.
Antimonium Crud 1DH Drops 500ml
Product Name: Antimonium Crud 1DH Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
Excessive irritability and fretfulness, together with a thickly coated white tongue,are true guiding symptoms to many forms of diseases calling for this remedy.
Third to sixth potency.Or prescribed by physicians.
Apiol 1Ch Drops 120ml
Product Name: Apiol 1Ch Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
Dysmenorrhoea and headache. Antipyretic in crude form
2x and higher up to 6x.
Apiol 1Ch Drops 30ml
Product Name: Apiol 1Ch Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
Dysmenorrhoea and headache. Antipyretic in crude form
2x and higher up to 6x.
Apiol 1Ch Drops 450ml
Product Name: Apiol 1Ch Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
Dysmenorrhoea and headache. Antipyretic in crude form
2x and higher up to 6x.
Apiol 1Ch Drops 500ml
Product Name: Apiol 1Ch Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
Dysmenorrhoea and headache. Antipyretic in crude form
2x and higher up to 6x.
Apis Mellifica Drops 120ml
Product Name: Apis Mellifica Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
This agent is diuretic, diaphoretic and alterative. It stimulates the kidney and has an irritating influence upon the urinary tract. It produces congestion and a mild inflammation of the ovaries and testicles with a tendency to dropsy. There is edema
Symptoms Erysipelatous inflammation, dropsically effusions and Anasarca acute inflammation of kidney and other parenchymatous tissues are characteristics pathological states corresponding to Apis. |
Tincture to thirtieth potency.Or oedmatous conditions the lower potencies.Sometimes action is slow so several days elapse before it is seen to act.Or prescribed by physicians.
Apis Mellifica Drops 30ml
Product Name: Apis Mellifica Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
This agent is diuretic, diaphoretic and alterative. It stimulates the kidney and has an irritating influence upon the urinary tract. It produces congestion and a mild inflammation of the ovaries and testicles with a tendency to dropsy. There is edema
Symptoms Erysipelatous inflammation, dropsically effusions and Anasarca acute inflammation of kidney and other parenchymatous tissues are characteristics pathological states corresponding to Apis. |
Tincture to thirtieth potency.Or oedmatous conditions the lower potencies.Sometimes action is slow so several days elapse before it is seen to act.Or prescribed by physicians.
Apis Mellifica Drops 450ml
Product Name: Apis Mellifica Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
This agent is diuretic, diaphoretic and alterative. It stimulates the kidney and has an irritating influence upon the urinary tract. It produces congestion and a mild inflammation of the ovaries and testicles with a tendency to dropsy. There is edema
Symptoms Erysipelatous inflammation, dropsically effusions and Anasarca acute inflammation of kidney and other parenchymatous tissues are characteristics pathological states corresponding to Apis. |
Tincture to thirtieth potency.Or oedmatous conditions the lower potencies.Sometimes action is slow so several days elapse before it is seen to act.Or prescribed by physicians.
Apis Mellifica Drops 500ml
Product Name: Apis Mellifica Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
This agent is diuretic, diaphoretic and alterative. It stimulates the kidney and has an irritating influence upon the urinary tract. It produces congestion and a mild inflammation of the ovaries and testicles with a tendency to dropsy. There is edema
Symptoms Erysipelatous inflammation, dropsically effusions and Anasarca acute inflammation of kidney and other parenchymatous tissues are characteristics pathological states corresponding to Apis. |
Tincture to thirtieth potency.Or oedmatous conditions the lower potencies.Sometimes action is slow so several days elapse before it is seen to act.Or prescribed by physicians.
Apium Grav Drops 120ml
Product Name: Apium Grav Drops 120ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 120ml
Swelling of throat, face and hands. Rheumatic pain in muscles of neck, also in sacrum. Growing pains.
First to Thirtieth potency.Or prescribed by physicians. |
Apium Grav Drops 30ml
Product Name: Apium Grav Drops 30ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 30ml
Swelling of throat, face and hands. Rheumatic pain in muscles of neck, also in sacrum. Growing pains.
First to Thirtieth potency.Or prescribed by physicians. |
Apium Grav Drops 450ml
Product Name: Apium Grav Drops 450ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 450ml
Swelling of throat, face and hands. Rheumatic pain in muscles of neck, also in sacrum. Growing pains.
First to Thirtieth potency.Or prescribed by physicians. |
Apium Grav Drops 500ml
Product Name: Apium Grav Drops 500ml
Product Form: Drops
Pack size: 500ml
Swelling of throat, face and hands. Rheumatic pain in muscles of neck, also in sacrum. Growing pains.
First to Thirtieth potency.Or prescribed by physicians. |