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Wizz Tab 30s
Product Name : Wizz Tab 30's
Product Form : Tablets
Pack Size : 30's
Ingredients: Co-enzyme Q10 50mg,Quercetin 200mg,Grape sed extract 100mg,Inositol 50mg,Magnesium 100mg,Hesperidine 30mg,EPA 40mg,DHA 30mg,VitD 400iu,Folate 400mcg,Vit k 45mcg,Vitc 100mg,Vitb3 100mcg,Vitb5 100mcg,Vitb6 600mcg,Zinc 30mg,VitA 5000iu,Calcium 200mcg,Chlorine Bitartrae 100mg,Selenium 200mg,Lodin 50mg,Copper 2mg,Manganese 2mg,Vit b12 50mcg,biotin 50mcg