In asthma, excess mucus is secreted due to the inflammation of windpipe. This cause the narrowing of airways and the patient feel difficulty in breathing which eventually results in shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing. Asthma can occur throughout the year but in winters cold weather decrease blood supply causing dryness of air passage lining that can trigger the asthmatic attack. Dryness causes irritation which results in increased secretion and ultimately shortness of breath.
How asthma can be prevented:
Asthma can be fatal if not treated and managed properly. The patients are required to carry their emergency asthma medicines or inhaler all the time. Asthma attack can be reduced by the following habits.
- Regular use of essential oils because they keeps the airways moist and assist in minimizing inflammation.
- A good routine of mild exercise daily can boost the immunity as it normalize the air pressure need in lungs
- No smoking; whether passive or active, smoking can aggravate asthma.
- Avoid dust by using dust masks as dust particles may cause irritation in air passage that may initiate asthma attack.
- As soon as you feel asthma attack, immediately take inhaler
- Contact your doctor as early as possible.
Asthma and Covid-19:
Asthma patients are at high risk for Covid-19. Novel corona virus infects the respiratory tract and may lead to pneumonia and acute respiratory infection. This condition might become lethal if asthma attack accompanies. So the patients must take their medications to manage their asthma attack, during COVID times.
What Asthma patients should do in Covid?
They should:
- Avoid unnecessary hangouts from home
- Wash hands with soap regularly
- Avoid any situation that may trigger asthma
- Take their asthma medicines in routine
- Always keep their inhalers handy and wash them regularly to keep hygiene
- Do light exercises at home and only if need
What Asthma patients shouldn’t do in Covid?
They should not:
- Share their inhaler with any other person
- Go for unnecessary doctor visits
- Resort to tiring exercises.