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World Radiography Day

World radiology day is celebrated in order to improve the quality of life of patients, we are engaged in finding new technologies to diagnose and treat the disorders. For this, a new world has introduced us with Radiology.

So to know the importance of radiology, we celebrate world radiology day on 8 November 1895 it is basically a date on which Wilhelm Roentgen discovered an x-ray technique. His discovery helped us to revolutionize medicine and save several lives.

Radiology is basically an art or science to deal with high energy radiation which is mainly used to diagnose and treat disease. It has an important role in disease management and it is a tool used for detecting, staging and treating disorders. Radiology is done by a Radiologist who specializes in dealing with radiations. There are a number of different forms of radiology techniques that are X-ray. Ultrasound, CT scan,  Positron emission tomography( PET)  and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), mammography and fluoroscopy.

Radiology is applicable in a number of fields like it is used in screening, with the help of radiology you can easily detect the presence of disease in early stages in order to decrease the mortality rate. If we talk about the radiology role in Cancer management, cancer can be easily diagnosed and treated. Radiology is done on cancer patient along with chemotherapy in order to retard the growth of cancerous cells. We can also apply it on the management of heart disease and stroke. With the help of radiology, you can easily visualize the body and eliminate the need of surgery.

Whenever we talk about any process or thing we always consider both pros and cons. So as we discussed the advantages there are also some disadvantages which should not be ignored, excessive exposure to these radiations can cause a number of skin reactions or skin burns , loss of hair etc.