What is Ataxia? Causes, Symptoms, Types, Awareness Program and Treatment

What is Ataxia?

Ataxia is a condition in which a person loses control of muscles.

In severe conditions, it may lead to lack of coordination and disturb the manner of a person’s walk.

Ataxia may affect different parts of the body including fingers, hands, arms, legs, speech and even eye movements.


Ataxia is caused when a part of brain called cerebellum is damaged.

Damage to the spinal cord may also cause ataxia.

Conditions like alcohol misuses, stroke, tumors and nervous system degeneration lead to ataxia.

Awareness program:

International world ataxia day is celebrated on the 25th of September every year to help shed light on this disease.


There is no specific treatment for ataxia and it may be resolved by discontinuing medication which causes it.

Doctors advise to manage symptoms like depression, fatigue, dizziness, tremors and stiffness to help treat ataxia.